Case Study: The Smart Fit Method

Using Smart Scans to Shape Behavior - SmartFit Method

Smart Fit Method is a new science-based fitness program focused on improving longevity. They are revolutionizing how people train with a program that combines exercise robotics + AI for personalized training in a short amount of time. They have sought out the most cutting-edge fitness technology and training equipment that was once only available to professional sports teams and medical facilities and made it accessible to the general public. The convergence of cutting-edge fitness technology with personal training is what makes the program so unique. With a commitment of just one hour a week, Smart Fit Method gives members their time back, all while achieving their fitness goals.

Fit3D has impacted our business in both increased revenue via new member acquisition and in client retention as a monthly accountability tool for our members. - Rob Darnbrough, Smart Fit Method Co-Founder + CEO

Program Design:  “Our method builds strength and muscle, optimizes hormones, and burns fat to elevate our clients to their maximum potential efficiently and effectively. Our innovative program is scientifically-proven to work with quantifiable, measurable results. How do we know? Memberships include a monthly Fit3D, SMART Body Scan, that is uploaded to their Smart Fit app to track their progress and results.”

“When those changes aren’t happening as they should be, that’s when the Fit3D really comes into play as a key component of the Smart Fit Method.

In these cases, even before the scale tells us, the Fit3D shows us that the transformation in the lean muscle mass is not taking place as it should. That’s when we kick into high gear at helping our members look at what they’re doing with the other 167 hours of their week to support their body composition and fitness goals, such as diet, hydration, sleep, and even time in nature.

The Fit3D is not a validation of whether our program works, rather it’s information to assist our members in making better decisions during those 167 hours they aren’t in the studio.

Because if you make the right decisions in those 167 hours, there's plenty of stimulus at Smart Fit Method to get to the body the adaptation is looking for. The monthly Fit3D body scan most often serves as affirmation for members to keep up the good work!”

Testimonial Wall of Fit3D Clients at The Smart Fit Method

Member Transformation Story from The Smart Fit Method

Below is a summary of client transformation experience from this Operator & how they use Fit3D to measure & accelerate member progress.

We had a client named "Mark" who was doing his workouts correctly, which we knew because we could measure his progress. As Mark's scores improved over time, we knew he was also experiencing muscle hypertrophy. To support his muscle growth, we asked Mark to add protein powder and electrolytes to his daily routine.

After the first month of 3D Body Scans, Mark's gains were minimal, so we made some adjustments. We added protein powder and electrolytes to his diet, and the next month he experienced significant fat loss and muscle gain. These small changes made a huge difference in his results that we could see in the body composition numbers & 3d scans.

When clients come in for a body scan, it's an opportunity for us to discuss how to make those 1% improvements that will benefit their bodies. We don't need to make drastic changes; small adjustments can lead to significant progress.

The Smart Scan is crucial in the Smart Fit Method as it tracks progress and provides motivation. However, it's especially valuable when it reveals unexpected results. It serves as an early warning system, allowing us to make small adjustments and get back on track quickly.

On their TV's they display "Before & After' Scans to motivate members.

Service Tier: Premium

SmartFit Method chose the Premium Tier because they understood the data coming from Fit3D could enable them to design an entirely new business model that would speak to the performance metrics their clients demanded. Data is exported from Fit3D in a raw format daily & imported into a CRM for aggregation with other data providers for a holistic view of his clients.  

While Rob loved what we were offering, he was very honest that he wanted our metrics to fuel his business, not promote what we were doing. He wanted to take what we did, combine it with several other metrics, to make something new & novel  – and that’s what he did.

They developed their own Smart Fit Score providing overall metrics to each member. The Smart Fit score is similar to an NFL combine score as it includes multiple data points. The score focuses on strength gains (push, pull and drives), cardiovascular improvements (octane score), cellular health improvements (phase angle, HRV) and body comp changes measured by Fit3D (body fat %, lean mass improvements, circumference measurements) and a wellness score. This holistic approach will benefit members in focusing efforts on fitness to improve longevity.

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