Private Personal Training
Located in Barnstaple England, Absolute Training & Nutrition is a client that focuses on private one-on-one training. Their programming sets a baseline with a Fit3D body scan, and then works with clients to create personalized nutrition plans and workout routines to help people achieve their body transformations. It’s about getting a baseline scan, and then having honest conversations about your goals & what program will work for you. This is a strategy we encourage all of our clients to use – use body composition assessments to talk to every prospect about their fitness goals.
One thing really unique about this location is that they ONLY offer personalized private sessions compared to big big box & boutique locations that offer PT on the side. Private gyms provide a safe space without judgement, no crowds, and most importantly focused attention to help you hit your goals.
We recently caught up with Ryan, a client & now employee, who talked about how our 3d body scanner helped him with his transformation journey. He talked about how Fit3D helped him stay accountable.

The Fit3D scanner at @absolutetrainingbarnstaple gives you nowhere to hide. You're either getting the results or you're not and generally the coaches can pinpoint why and what's happening because of the detail this scanner gives.I'm now down to the lowest weight I've been since I was 17/18 years old and it's down to tracking and scanning. Everything which is measured can be improved... If you can attach a physical numerical value to something you can monitor it and improve it. Be consistent.