Mobile 3D Body Scanning

Discover how this Fit3D Client utilized their scanner for mobility to help provide assessments for other facilities & expand their services. A great example of mobile body scanning in action.

Is Fit3D Mobile?

A lot of clients ask us about how mobile our scanner is.  Here is one client who is taking mobile scans to the next level.

Excel BodyScan has converted a sprinter van into a mobile assessment unit. While most clients keep Fit3D stationery, typically in an enclosed room or private booth, Excel BodyScan transformed a van to transport the Fit3D Body Scanner. Nothing screams mobile more than literally driving the system around, right?

Turns out they have a really great reason to. According to their team: “Putting the scanner in our custom van allows Excel BodyScan to serve our members and the greater community. It's hard to get accurate measurements and stats without the right tools and testing. Now we can go help out other gyms, and ultimately serve more people.”  

So why use Fit3D as their mobile solution? They wanted to offer the best assessment technology to their clients, as older and even more mobile-friendly tools like BIA and skin fold calipers weren’t cutting it anymore. “Using the Fit3D machine was a no-brainer: it’s the most accurate, non-invasive, quick and easy to use body analysis on the market.” And from a business perspective it allows them advance partnerships with other local businesses, generate more revenue, and serves as free advertising.

Side View of the Mobile Scan Van

So while transporting assessment technology might not be your thing, transforming your business with 3D body scanning should be.  In the case that you want to consider bringing your Fit3D unit to a trade show or local event, consider two major things:  

     1. Although the unit breaks down into 5 parts, the overall weight of the system is around 200 lbs. You may want to consider having a 2nd person around to help you load & unload the turntable.

    2. You need an internet upload speed of about 2Mbps. Consider an affordable WiFi hotspot or know the WiFi at your destination venue.

We hear that 95% of business owners want to keep their Fit3D proudly displayed in their establishment to help them bring in more revenue & save them time. However if you have a few local shows that pique your interest, our advice: go for it.  As a marketing activation, it’s a smart move to help expand or grow your current business model.

Learn how by booking a demo today.

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