The 3D Body Scanner that Visualizes how Bodies Change

Go beyond body composition numbers to validate your program with 3D body scans that motivate.

Compelling & Accurate Assessments

The Fit3D 3D Body Scanner safely, privately, and accurately allows your members to capture and track valuable data on their way to reaching their wellness and body shape goals.

Reports Include: 3D avatars, circumference measurements, body composition, posture analysis, BMR, balance, and more.

A laptop displaying the WAIR virtual fitting room
On average, new customers using Fit3D are 3X more likely to join your program.

Does Your Program Work? 

Client's simply want to know if your program will get them the results they want – it's that simple.

Poor assessment solutions negatively impact all areas of your business. Fit3D addresses these issues, equipping your staff with the most innovative and compelling tools to track your customers' body shape journey, driving sales and improving retention.


Drive Sales

4X your current Conversion Rates by offering new prospects a free scan to start an honest discussion about their goals.

Improve Retention

Keep clients Accountable & Motivated. Once clients see results, they'll stay loyal.

Fuel Marketing

Our system "Proves your Program" turning every client into a visual case study.

Create More Customer Wins

We help people document & visualize their proudest moments of their fitness journey. When done right, this scales your business.

Fit3D has been instrumental in showing our CLP-1 clients where fat loss is happening especially in the early stages of treatments.

Lindsay Kirby
Revolutionize Co-founders

“We sign up 50 to 70 new members a month with Fit3D”

-Michele Frandman-Frankel, Co-Founder of RevolutioniZe

“Our client’s say ‘Holy cow! I didn’t know it would be this detailed!’”

Abby Dzierzynski, Level 6 Wellness
3D body scans
3D body scanners deployed
countries of operations
See More Client Wins

Powerful Reporting & Analytics

Our cloud reports give you the ability to monitor your client’s progress on any internet enabled device.  Fit3D client’s use this engaging tool to ensure their client’s hit their goals & customize packages.

WAIR's insights dashboard
Customer Profiles: Staff can review and track data for all customers to ensure that programming is helping customers reach their wellness goals.
Performance Reporting: Staff and admins can review Fit3D usage to ensure that staff is getting the most of Fit3D
Customer Dashboards: Fit3D Users can review data from every scan ever taken and track progress to better achieve their goals.

Rooted in Body Data Proven over Time.

Fit3D is the world’s largest and fastest growing 3D body scanning company.  We’ve invested hours on AI predictions on top DXA and user scans to design a robust wellness algorithms along with key academic research partners.

We’ve distilled all of this to make the reports simple, understandable, and actionable.

A 3D avatar used to represent a shopper's body dimensions
A 3D avatar used to represent a tall and thin male
A 3D avatar used to represent a smaller male
A 3D avatar used to represent a short and thin male
A 3D avatar used to represent a short and heavyset male
A 3D avatar used to represent a big and tall shopper
A 3D avatar used to represent a heavyset male
A 3D avatar used to represent a shopper's body dimensions
A 3D avatar used to represent a tall and thin male
A 3D avatar used to represent a smaller male
A 3D avatar used to represent a short and thin male
A 3D avatar used to represent a short and heavyset male
A 3D avatar used to represent a big and tall shopper
A 3D avatar used to represent a heavyset male
Learn More About Fit3D
A 3D avatar used to represent a tall and thin male
A 3D avatar used to represent a smaller male
A 3D avatar used to represent a short and thin male
A 3D avatar used to represent a short and heavyset male
A 3D avatar used to represent a big and tall shopper
A 3D avatar used to represent a heavyset male
A 3D avatar used to represent a tall and thin male
A 3D avatar used to represent a smaller male
A 3D avatar used to represent a short and thin male
A 3D avatar used to represent a short and heavyset male
A 3D avatar used to represent a big and tall shopper
A 3D avatar used to represent a heavyset male
A 3D avatar used to represent a shopper's body dimensions
A 3D avatar used to represent a shopper's body dimensions
A 3D avatar used to represent a tall and thin male
A 3D avatar used to represent a tall and thin male
A 3D avatar used to represent a smaller male
A 3D avatar used to represent a short and thin male
A 3D avatar used to represent a tall and thin male
A 3D avatar used to represent a tall and thin male
A 3D avatar used to represent a smaller male
A 3D avatar used to represent a short and thin male
FIT3D Customer Highlight
“Fit3D is an essential part of our marketing Strategy.”
Crunch Fitness Ventures logged $80,000 in new members signups utilizing the Fit3D Scans for PT services.